Thursday, January 31, 2013

Goodbye 2012!

 And here we go again! A new year, a fresh start, and a handful of resolutions none of us can keep! I love this time of year. I get a few weeks in the beginning of January to think back about the amazing people I met in 2012. I can definitely say, it was one hell of a year! It's hard to pick what I loved the most. Weddings, of course I love. Its always nice meeting old brides again, now when it's their sister or friends turn to get married. Sometimes 5 or 6 years later, when they come with two or three kids! I also had the liberty of working with Absolute Culture. Once for IFFT (International Fashion Festival Toronto) during model auditions, and later in the year as the Hair and Makeup Artist for the new TV show "Thank God it's Sunday!" Airing in 2013, it's a South Asian lifestyle show, hosted by Waqar Khan and Sabeen Humayun.

The end of the year brought a fun shoot done with Renaissance Images, for the Niche Canada Lifestyle Magazine, coming out in 2013! I also had to say good bye to an amazing stylist on the Elements of beauty team. I wish Hira Shaikh nothing but the best in her new married life, and I hope you settle in well in Pakistan. You will be missed!

All that said and done, I'm now looking forward to meeting a new group of brides to be at the Kismet Wedding Show. It's like the first day of school all over again. ( I hope they like me. I hope I like them. Am I dressed ok? ) To some brides it's an overwhelming experience. So many vendors, so many other brides, so many quotes! My advice to you all, is just relax, and enjoy. Talk to everyone, but remember who you had that instant connection with. Chances are it will be with someone who wasn't jumping at you as you walked through the aisles. The most important thing to look at when booking your vendors for the wedding, is personality. If you can't get along with someone, the last thing you want is to put up with them on your wedding day. Make sure you hire someone you feel comfortable with. Preferably someone who can make you laugh away your stress! Feel free to come and visit the team of EOB in our booth. We will be more then happy to answer any questions you may have!

Hold on to your seats brides and grooms....the ride is just beginning!