Thursday, January 30, 2014

It's that time of year...

Well, here we are again! The beauty of Christmas lights and excitement of the new year are long gone. New years resolutions have been given up on, and the awe of the first snow fall? Ha! Take it back old man winter....take it all back. But that's not all....we are also in the season of wedding planning! That means these long horrible winter days are full of appointments, fittings,scheduling, along with bachelorettes/bachelor parties, bridal showers, tears, excitement, and on top of all that, the anticipation of the most beautiful day in the making.

This brings me to the wonderful couples who are doing their best at balancing their careers, and the wedding planning, which is pretty much another full time job. How do we make our wedding as grand, or even bigger then the ones we attended last summer. Better book the hall fast, I hear they book up over a year in advance! I saw a photographers Facebook status saying they are already booked this entire season! Better book my hair and makeup! How will we make an amazing entrance? 3 other family friends getting married too? Now the pressure is really on.

Being part of this wonderful industry for almost 9 years, I would like to say we play a large role in that. Bridal shows are bigger then ever! On one end it's great, there's always need for change and improvement. All we want to do is showcase our best work, and to wow everyone. But on the other end, are we overwhelming the same people we want to welcome into our booth? Between huge shows, constant Facebook updates about being booked solid until 2016, and instagram newsfeeds full of more makeup, more jewellery, more flowers, more desserts, (more more more!) it's not a surprise we have made planning so stressful! Weddings are becoming competitions, with each couple trying to out do the last.  Don't get me wrong, I am guilty of all of these things. But I wonder sometimes, have we taken this beautiful day of a couple about to begin a new life, and turned it into a big production?

For that, I apologize. I ask of you, my friends, to take a step back and think about what you are planning. It's the first day, of the rest of your life! (OK, maybe putting it like that doesn't help!) Instead of stressing so much, and starting with the feeling of being overwhelmed, why not enjoy it! I know I know, sounds impossible. Everyone wants that perfect wedding, but the goal is to make it the perfect wedding for you, and not worry about what each one of your 500+ guests will think. Have fun picking your decor colours, enjoy your jewellery shopping, laugh with your photographer, work with your makeup artist, and instead of being on a strict diet, enjoy your mothers home cooked meals! The bride is going to look beautiful, the groom will look handsome, and the rest of the room will be so excited about free food, drinks, dancing, and catching up with friends/family, that they won't notice 2 stones from your lenga came out. Or the shade of purple in your backdrop isn't the exact colour you chose. The bouquets have more white flowers then you planned? No one noticed! Lets stop worrying about the small things, and remember that the day is about celebrating your union as husband and wife.

So take a deep breath, relax a bit, and book Elements of beauty for all your hair and makeup needs. Hey, I wouldn't be a business woman if I didn't throw in some advertising for myself!

Happy Planning you lovely couples!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Goodbye 2012!

 And here we go again! A new year, a fresh start, and a handful of resolutions none of us can keep! I love this time of year. I get a few weeks in the beginning of January to think back about the amazing people I met in 2012. I can definitely say, it was one hell of a year! It's hard to pick what I loved the most. Weddings, of course I love. Its always nice meeting old brides again, now when it's their sister or friends turn to get married. Sometimes 5 or 6 years later, when they come with two or three kids! I also had the liberty of working with Absolute Culture. Once for IFFT (International Fashion Festival Toronto) during model auditions, and later in the year as the Hair and Makeup Artist for the new TV show "Thank God it's Sunday!" Airing in 2013, it's a South Asian lifestyle show, hosted by Waqar Khan and Sabeen Humayun.

The end of the year brought a fun shoot done with Renaissance Images, for the Niche Canada Lifestyle Magazine, coming out in 2013! I also had to say good bye to an amazing stylist on the Elements of beauty team. I wish Hira Shaikh nothing but the best in her new married life, and I hope you settle in well in Pakistan. You will be missed!

All that said and done, I'm now looking forward to meeting a new group of brides to be at the Kismet Wedding Show. It's like the first day of school all over again. ( I hope they like me. I hope I like them. Am I dressed ok? ) To some brides it's an overwhelming experience. So many vendors, so many other brides, so many quotes! My advice to you all, is just relax, and enjoy. Talk to everyone, but remember who you had that instant connection with. Chances are it will be with someone who wasn't jumping at you as you walked through the aisles. The most important thing to look at when booking your vendors for the wedding, is personality. If you can't get along with someone, the last thing you want is to put up with them on your wedding day. Make sure you hire someone you feel comfortable with. Preferably someone who can make you laugh away your stress! Feel free to come and visit the team of EOB in our booth. We will be more then happy to answer any questions you may have!

Hold on to your seats brides and grooms....the ride is just beginning!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Welcome :)

It took 3 years in the making...but I've finally joined the phenomenon that is blogging. Am I interesting enough that people will want to read what I'm up to every week? I would like to say...yes. Yes I am. But I won't bore you with my day to day routine...watching HGTV, getting my 3 year old ready for school, running my errands. Instead, I will talk about my work life. Which for some, is more boring then real life. For me however, it's a escape from potty training, from cooking dinner, and especially doing the laundry.

Let me introduce myself. I am Saba, from Elements of Beauty. I am a hair and makeup artist, trained from Sheridan college (in a 2 year cosmetics program) as well as the Oakville College of Hair Design. I am a part of the small percent who LOVE their job. I admit it! I love love love what I do, but it hasn't been easy!
 I began this business 7 years ago with one bride. She came to me after picking up my card from a local boutique. I was so excited! I had my studio all set up. I was dressed professional, and I did my hair and makeup just perfect. Now...time to wow her with my makeup skills! Sure, I didn't have experience in Pakistani bridal makeup...YET. But you have to start somewhere right? After doing her trial, I was confident it was everything she would want. Until 2 days later. I received the devastating phone call..."Thank you so much for the makeup trial. However, I have decided to go with another makeup artist" My heart just sank! Was I not good enough? Will no one trust me with their big day? Am I in the wrong field?

Oh silly 22 year old Saba. Hundreds of brides later, photo shoots, commercials, and fashion shows all under my belt now, I can say I have come a long way. This is just the beginning. I have many places to go, and many people to meet.  Join me, as my best friend, and esthetician, Seema and I get ready for the next year! Who knows where this year will take us! Seeing old clients again, making new ones, and answering any questions about hair and makeup along the way! Welcome to Elements of Beauty!